About Imagine KC

The initial 2009 Imagine KC program featured a live studio audience and hosts Steve Kraske (left), columnist for the Kansas City Star, and Nick Haines, host of KCPT’s Week in Review and The Local Show.
In the initial Imagine KC program that aired in 2009, thousands of Kansas City area residents tuned in and participated in a process to articulate what should go into a plan for our region's future. The program engaged and educated area residents about the choices and options available for becoming a more vibrant, connected and green place to live.
Through the televised series of 13 programs that followed, MARC and KCPT brought the regional community together again for an in-depth look at new strategies for regional growth and development. Visualization techniques, expert opinions and interactive tools explored possible scenarios for the region's future and looked at initiatives underway that demonstrated sustainable community development principles.
Each episode was crafted to educate the public about a specific set of issues, policy options and how communities are meeting these challenges; to help the public envision how change can be implemented in our region; and engage the community in ongoing implementation projects and decision making. In meeting these objectives, Imagine KC raised awareness around the issues and ideas that support new, strategic regional growth opportunities.
The series united community thinking about what is needed to create a sustainable region, and motivated all of us to action.