Episode 3: Creating Vibrant Activity Centers

Orignal Air Date: 3/24/11, 7:30 p.m., KCPT

Watch the complete third episode below

The third episode of Imagine KC focused on creating and sustaining vibrant activity centers, and the critical role these community anchors play in the Centers, Corridors and Conservation strategy for building a more green, vibrant and connected region. Stories explore a widespread desire to revitalize historic downtowns, develop more active centers in older bedroom suburbs and build new centers in emerging suburbs on greenfield sites. This episode demonstrates the defining characteristics of different types of centers by highlighting regional examples and showing how quality urban design principles have been, and continue to be the key to creating our most beloved community places. We also explore some local government plans and ordinances that support a key element of the region's sustainability vision, which strives to develop a connected network of vibrant activity centers.

In short, this episode answers the questions: What does a vibrant community look like and what policies and actions can local communities use to guide the development of these centers?