A Regional Vision: Vibrant, Connected, Green
What kind of region do you want to live in 25 years from now? How can we start building a more prosperous and sustainable future today?
The Kansas City region has developed a shared vision to achieve a more sustainable future by creating vibrant, connected and green corridors and centers of activity. This idea emerged from a highly visible and effective regional visioning process conducted over 18 months in 2008–09, engaging nearly 80,000 residents.
The region began its journey toward this vision in 1999 with an initiative called Creating Quality Places, which encouraged the bistate region's 119 cities and nine counties to shape future development in ways that would maintain and enhance its high quality of life. While the emphasis of this early work was on community design, it yielded 20 principles for quality places and livability. The CQP principles call for diverse neighborhoods with multiple housing options, vibrant mixed-use commercial areas and efficient transportation systems — all within a healthy natural environment.
In the years since, MARC, small and large communities, and numerous stakeholders have collaborated on a wide variety of detailed plans that address the fundamental elements of livability, including transportation choices, environmental health, social equity, housing affordability, neighborhood preservation, community health, and economic competitiveness.
Creating Sustainable Places Vision
"Greater Kansas City is a sustainable region that increases the vitality of our society, economy and environment for current residents and future generations." — Adopted by the MARC Board of Directors, January 2009
The Creating Sustainable Places initiative was officially launched in October 2010, when a consortium of more than 60 regional partners, led by MARC, received a $4.25 million planning grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to advance the implementation of the Regional Plan for Sustainable Development.
MARC's Board of Directors appointed representatives from local governments, businesses, nonprofits, equity organizations, universities, professional associations and housing organizations to help the region achieve more sustainable development patterns.